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Something important for all to read and comment please

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Something important for all to read and comment please Empty Something important for all to read and comment please

Post  sebas Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:24 pm

Well we all know that last week was hard and i raged pretty hard on thursday, i appologize for this. But as you guys know we can do much better and i except us to do much better. I wana say that this is my last daoc try so i hope it lasts, we enjoy and we rape Smile

for this to happend i have been thinking of couple things id like to outline, like standarts that should not happend again and things that are normal that happend and are part of strategie of the grp ( please take the standarts serious or I will have to start taking hard decissions)

Standart things that are not gona happend again:

-SW orders: we all know the SW orders. I know there is sometimes that 2nd or 3rd sw isnt easy to place but if this happends I WANT YOU TO SCREAM: I CAN'T PLACE SW. I really mean scream so we all hear it (since in fight we all busy and i know its hard to hear couple things) Sw order is one of the most important things in our setup and thats why this is standar since its not hard

-Better communication: With this i mean, everyone and I mean everyone calling preheals. I noticed that stefan, chris and day dont do it enough. Guys this is standart, change it. Without preheals u will get killed.
Refering to communication I mean aswell: sorcs calling cc's, everyone calling roots, etc.

-Refering to everyone else then Salih and Tom: Don't get fking caught, if u get caught by instamezz/instastun or what ever in the first 15s of fight you fail.

- Refering to Salih: You do good peels for sure, but you gota take care that you dont peel too much. You are just peeling if there are full tanks or if we call it. If they got 3 casters or are hybyrid what ever u are in the front casting diseases, going in and out with baneloards to rupt (remember the mocski hybrd setup with bm/champ? you should be doing exactly the same)

- refering to stefan and chris: You guys get sometime caught to fast cause u are trying to aoe mezz the backline, as i said above, this is not gona happend again! WAIT! be at my position rupt and once the fight is set and they support is in ur mezz range u can do that, since we have theu merc and minst i dont think that that blue aoe mezz will make that much difference so i prefer you guys to be in my range to assist and Demez. Important too: while we are kiting a sos or chargers, before we do dmg i want you guys to not root until you tried to single mezz each tank, let me and nordics do the roots. What I noticed too is that you guys dd a target even before i call assist, i bet you guys got lot of more things to do before you assist.

- We have to spread out MUUUUUCH MORE, we don't really do this. Please check our fraps and see what I mean. Once fight started and we all setted pann your cameras and move around, both sorcs and my self should be near to each other for the assting but not in rupt range.

-Do NEVER NEVER NEVER get mezzed cause stick on inc. solutions: Don't stick like some of us do. be allways ready to turn with ur mouse as soon as you see inc.

I think I said most of standars, If i might have forget something or there is something you don¡t agree iam open to discuss but, this standarts should work from tomorrow. Iam really gona start looking at this little details wich actually make alot of difference and if I have to start making hard decissions I will make them.

Strategie stuff:

- vs hybris we gota be pushing since we got best setup vs it with theu: for this we need merc and minst in the front rupting, both sorcs rupting, theu petting, cleri shearing ruptin, cab ns'ing. Once pets are out and they start to kite we won. Druids will be rupted, tanks will die and we can push throu them. KEY: RUPTS, RUPTS, RUPTS.

-vs tanks grps we do most of the times good, jsut look at standarts above and we wont rly have to loose vs tanks.

vs casters: Same as hybris: key: RUPTS, RUPTS, RUPTS, untill pets out. Push, dani and tom call stuns and kill.

After you readed all this you noticed how serious iam taking this and you noticed iam not gona tolerate errors on standarts anymore. After all I want this group to work.

Posts : 109
Join date : 2011-10-30

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Something important for all to read and comment please Empty Re: Something important for all to read and comment please

Post  Tom Tue Nov 27, 2012 6:59 am


Something that's been debated is that we should kite less and pewpew more, even against heavy tank groups. Because sometimes we have no real reason for kiting and stuff just has to go down but somehow doesn't.

Evidence A and B, too much kite not enough pewpew, vs full tank.

A (Gtcc group, first fight):

B (Gtcc group, first fight):

Comment: We kite them from the middle of agramon to the midgard agramon bridge, while having awesome rupts on their support, but we don't manage to kill them. Of course this is a while ago and kinzy is MA but it shows the importance of just spreading out instead of running and focusing on doing damage. blindly running in one direction as soon as something touches you is not kiteing and won't help. It does spread their group (and ours) apart which usually works in our favor but ultimately contributes little to acctually putting out dps. The key here is that people spread out and everyone focuses on doing damage once we have an upper hand like this.

Evidence C, little kite alot of pewpew, vs full tank.

C (Guild group, 3rd (3:32) and 4th (5:30) fight)

Comment: Obviously a lesser challenge than the gtcc group, but notice how much faster they die in the 2nd fight we have vs them where we have the same amount of rupts on their support (they're covered in pets as usual...) but instead of kiting alot we spread out and start killing immediately, and take new targets fast. In the first fight we kite them a long way and it looks like a close fight that we barely win, in the second fight we make them look silly.

So here's the thing, we kite more than we have to in almost every circumstance and sometimes even way too much. I think it has gotten to a point where our casters are afraid of turning around and casting spells because if they get caught by something Sebas will rage, and every1 feels the same way so sometimes we just keep running even though we have no CC to justify it. I mean if we land a few roots then sure kite all you want but if we can't then kiting has no reason, the enemy group is just gonna run as fast towards you as you're trying to run away from them until we run out of warps... The big thing is that yes, this play usually works because we're better players than most of the adding/zerging french groups of aerophones caliber but it is not ideal and can be much improved still.

I think the way to solve it is to make everyone realize that more kite is bad rather than good, and try to do what they can to reduce the distance we have to run. This means that all 4 casters, while kiting, turn around and throw out 1-2 roots before immediately resuming kiting with the rest until 1-2 casters are free enough to start doing dps, in which case the 2-3 casters that can't do dps stop kiteing and instead spread out and try to quickcast debuffs/nukes/singlemezzes. If one person tries to do what I said to throw 1-2 roots/mezzes while kiteing and the rest just keep running he will fall behind and die, all need to do it, even if u have tanks on you just spread out, stat-debuff the tanks, quickcast stuff, force the skald/champ to use his dds sooner than he'd like and keep kiteing. Alot of teamwork is needed for this to work properly, but since we've known eachother for a while now is the time to really start working on this, the minimization of kiting project.

Posts : 207
Join date : 2011-10-31
Age : 34
Location : Guild house

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Post  Sali Tue Nov 27, 2012 8:59 am

Om not able to make one if those pretty post that you two did, but I do gotta say that being on the support side one thing I've and dani game notices and experienced is the issue with pet clearing. So I guess it's aimed at anyone ells then Tom, you have to kill the pets way faster. It's not uncommon for us to spend over 10 sec with pets in a regular fight. F.eks it's not always the bet way to finde the bd and kill him. MA just call for assist on the commander and it drops In 2 sec or make a designated pet killer etc.

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Post  sebas Tue Nov 27, 2012 1:41 pm

I totaly agree with you tom, but the kite has to stop in the right moment, once we got some tanks mezed/rooted and we got some space to DD or we stop, get caught and they on top of us.
Ill take that in my list as priority with pets once i got set position, i normaly do it just last week was bit strange, wont happen again ill take that to my standart.

Posts : 109
Join date : 2011-10-30

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